Solution of nonhomogeneous system of linear equations using matrix inverse

The solution of a nonhomogeneous system of linear equations using matrix inverse

Calculator Inverse matrix calculator can be used to solve the system of linear equations.
This method can be illustrated with the following formulae:
Let us have linear system represented in matrix form as matrix equation
If we multiply both parts by matrix inverse we will get
This means that to find out column vector of variables we need to multiply matrix inverse by column vector of solutions.

This method can be used only if matrix A is nonsingular, thus has an inverse, and column B is not a zero vector (nonhomogeneous system).

Calculator below uses this method to solve linear systems. Default values are taken from the following equations:
{ \begin{cases}3x+2y-z=4; \\2x-y+5z=23;\\x+7y-z=5;\end{cases} }
thus elements of B are entered as last elements of a row

PLANETCALC, Solution of nonhomogeneous system of linear equations using matrix inverse

Solution of nonhomogeneous system of linear equations using matrix inverse

Digits after the decimal point: 2
Column X

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PLANETCALC, Solution of nonhomogeneous system of linear equations using matrix inverse
