Сomputer algebra
Derives a formula from input formulas and input data to calculate remained parameters
To solve this Arithmetic progression request, which requires a simple single line of code calculator, I decided to make a universal calculator, which can derive remained parameters automatically from the input data and related formulas.
It's a little bit complicated but powerful enough to derive the solution from any formulas containing arithmetic operations automatically: +, -, /, * , ^ and function: sin, arcsin, cos, arccos, tan, arctan, cot, arccot, cosec, arccosec, sec, arcsec, sh, arsh, ch, arch, th, tanh, arth, cth, coth, arcth, sech, arsech, csch, arcsch, exp, ln.
Just enter input data and related formulas in the text field and get a solution for remained unknown parameters.
The calculator recognizes two special constants - pi = 3.1415926... and e = 2.718....
If something fails to work as you expect it, just let me know in the comments.