How much does cash weigh?

The cache calculator gives the volume and weight of the cache in a currency.

This page exists due to the efforts of the following people:


Created: 2021-10-05 08:44:38, Last updated: 2021-10-05 11:42:23

The cache calculator gives the volume and weight of the cache in a currency.

I suddenly wanted to know if $ 120 million would go into my locker.
It turned out that the volume of this money in 100 dollar bills is not so great - it will fit by volume, but my cupboard is unlikely to withstand its weight of 1.2 tons (metric).
The calculator below will help you choose the proper currency and suitcase to transport your cache.

PLANETCALC, Weight and volume of cache

Weight and volume of cache

Money amount in specified currency
Digits after the decimal point: 5

Banknotes weight

Number of banknotes
The file is very large. Browser slowdown may occur during loading and creation.

You can add another currency or banknotes here:

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PLANETCALC, How much does cash weigh?
